Meet Avant Claiborne! Avant is currently a senior at Woodlawn High School and an Intern on the Teaching Farm. Although he has been involved with the Teaching Farm since his freshman year, he joined JVTF in the Fall of 2018 as a junior and enjoyed his first year as an intern so much he decided to stay with us. Avant enjoys learning about all things that grow and being a part of our space. He loves Japanese animation and taking care of his brothers and sisters. Avant is joyful and spreads so much positivity on the farm.
What is your favorite farm task? Transplanting and harvesting
What is your favorite season? Spring and Summer
What is your favorite pollinator? Bees and butterflies
What are two goals that you have for this year? Graduate and start my hydroponic ideas
What drew you to working at the farm? The scenery and the people
If you were a plant, what would you be and why? I would be a tree so I can be tall
What are you excited to learn this year? To be a better person and how to run something
What has surprised you about working on the farm? How hard farming is
What do you want others to know about the farm at WHS? How fun it is and how much you can learn by being in this space and the people you can meet.